NXTGN - for the Next Generation Mittelstand

NXTGN is the innovation platform from Baden-Württemberg. As a network, we have one goal: a successful and innovative Next Generation Mittelstand​. To achieve this, we bring startups, academia and industry together.

OUR offers

NXTGN connects startups, academia and industry

We are your innovation boost

We promote talents in the field of innovation, help to realise startup ideas and help startups to grow. We also accelerate B2B startups through Mittelstand matchmaking and the support of experienced founders.

Our alumni startups

Over 1000 startups have already taken part in our programmes. You can find many of them in our overview.

Together we put theory into practice

We provide a platform for a profitable exchange in entrepreneurship research and teaching.

Our partners from the world of academia

Our network includes all universities and colleges in Baden-Württemberg that are strong in entrepreneurship.

Together we strengthen the Mittelstand

We strengthen the innovative power of the german Mittelstand by promoting the exchange of best practices and links with startups.

Our partners from the business world

We can count many of the strongest medium-sized companies from Baden-Württemberg among our partners.

These were our highlights in 2024!

Would you like to know what topics kept us busy in 2024 and what goals we were able to achieve? Then download our Delta Report '24 now.

You can see the open Delta Report 2023.

NXTGN consortium applies as Startup Factory

Five to ten lighthouses, known as startup factories, are to be established as central points of contact for innovations in Germany. Under NXTGN, we are currently building a network to become one of these startup factories and thus the lighthouse for The LÄND.

Our consortium:

Logo KIT
University of Stuttgart
Logo Heidelberg University
University of Stuttgart
Logo HdM
Logo of NXTGN GmbH
Logo Campus Founders
Logo Mätch VC
Faces of Our Ecosystem

NXTGN in the spotlight: What our network says

Selina Lehmann
MAHLE New Ventures | #corporatemember
"This network is an absolute must for any company in ‘THE LÄND’ that wants to increase its innovative strength by collaborating with startups."
Junior Professor Dr. Theresa Veer
University of Tübingen | #academicpartner
“The NXTGN network is a real game changer for the academic world! The direct exchange with innovative founders inspires my research and allows it to grow beyond the ivory tower. What's particularly exciting is that our proximity to politics opens up new opportunities to translate scientific findings into concrete policies.”
Prof. Dr. Christina Ungerer
University of Konstanz | #academicpartner
“It is now impossible to imagine Baden-Württemberg without NXTGN - I am part of the ecosystem in order to broaden my horizons through the initiative's excellent offers and events and to get to know people from business, politics and science who are enthusiastic about startups.”
Prof. Dr. Bettina Merlin
Heilbronn University | #academicpartner
“As a university that places great emphasis on entrepreneurship, we have the ideal partner in NXTGN, which supports us in our work with its large network, organizes top-class events and strengthens networking with other universities - that really helps us all move forward.”
Maresa Schleich
PwC | #corporatemember
"We are partners of NXTGN in order to discover new synergies between innovation managers. The access to the regional innovation ecosystem and the direct exchange with the founders and their developments give us new perspectives."
Prof. Dr. Steffen Reik
Ulm University of Applied Sciences | #academicpartner
“All players in the Baden-Württemberg startup ecosystem are pursuing the same major goal: to produce more successful startups. NXTGN pulls many threads together here and forms the supra-regional network that develops potential through synergies and mutual support and helps us to achieve this goal together.”
Alexander Wehrle
VfB Stuttgart 1893 e.V. | #corporatemember
"Like VfB Stuttgart, NXTGN is focussing on young and wild people, striving for innovation and bringing together strong partners for a successful future in our economic region."
Andreas Brauchle
Horváth | #corporatemember
"Our region is full of potential. NXTGN is the catalyst to realise all that potential!"
Prof. Dr. Nils Högsdal
Stuttgart Media University | #academicpartner
“A good network is so important because a network is more than the sum of the individual players. Not everyone can do everything themselves, but needs to know someone who can help.”
Bettina Lichtner
AOK Baden-Württemberg | #corporatemember
"Access to knowledge, the latest technologies and trends strengthens our competitiveness and creates added value for our policyholders, but also supports us in sustainable developments through environmentally friendly and socially responsible solutions."
Steffi Blumentritt
Wissensfabrik | #communitypartner
,,Ein gutes Netzwerk ist so wichtig, da im regen Austausch Gründungen beschleunigt werden, es entstehen neue Geschäftsmodelle und exzellente Partnerschaften werden geknüpft. Das brauchen wir im Ländle, in Deutschland und in ganz Europa für unsere Zukunft.''
Wolfram Schnelle
Gemüsering | #corporatemember
"A good network is important because it's the only way to ‘think outside the box’. And because it can lead to projects that we wouldn't have thought of otherwise, but that still help us move forward."
Prof. Dr. Alexander Brem
University of Stuttgart | #academicpartner
“Successful startups are created when the right people with the most promising ideas come together at the right time. Being able to support this motivates me and is fun. And I always learn something new.”
Nils Blume
EnBW Innovation | #corporatemember
"As an energy supplier from Baden-Württemberg with more than 10 years of innovation experience, supporting startups ‘im Ländle’ is very important to us. In NXTGN, we have a great partner that connects corporates with startups, strengthens and inspires the startup landscape in Baden-Württemberg."
Benedikt Ilg
Founder and CEO of Flip | #startup
,,Das richtige Netzwerk ist unbezahlbar. Gründer:innen machen schließlich Vieles zum aller ersten Mal. Die richtigen Partner:innen helfen dabei, aus bereits gemachten Erfahrungen zu lernen, neue Denkanstöße zu erhalten und die richtigen Türen zu öffnen.''
Dominik Meyer
Novatec | #corporatemember
"Modern technologies, methods and business models are no longer topics from Silicon Valley, but have long since arrived in the centre of THE LÄND. Novatec sees itself as an enabler to support the ‘Next Generation Mittelstand' in these areas. A functioning network is crucial for this."
Marion Wagner
Würth Elektronik eiSos Group | #corporatemember
"The close dialogue with other corporate partners, the insights into science and, of course, the direct access to innovative startups with exciting developments are very valuable for us. We also always get to know new perspectives and learn from them."
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