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Innovation Dinner

Stuttgart Stuttgart, Germany

Datum: 25.03.2025 VeranstaltungsorT: Stuttgart Am 25. März findet das nächste Innovation Dinner bei Vector Informatik statt. Die Veranstaltung bietet eine inspirierende Plattform, um Erfahrungen auszutauschen und neue Kontakte mit Innovationsverantwortlichen […]

YEEP Summit

IPAI Spaces Heilbronn Im Zukunftspark 11/13, Heilbronn, Germany

Date: 05.04.2025 Time: 10-19 h Venue: IPAI Spaces Heilbronn The YEEP Summit on 05.04.2025 is aimed at young founders aged 15 to 20 from Baden-Württemberg. [...]

Community Congress by StartUpSecure KASTEL

TRIANGEL Culture Kaiserstraße 93, Karlsruhe, Germany

DATE: 10.04.2025 TIME: 12:30 - 19:00 LOCATION: TRIANGEL | Karlsruhe The Community Congress is an annual live event, organised by the KIT Founders Forge, which focuses on relevant cybersecurity topics and [...]

Applied Deep Tech Fest

University of Stuttgart Stuttgart

Date: 07.05.2025 Place: Fraunhofer IPA For Deep Tech investors only: Discover the future of Applied Deep Tech investment in the Southwest on May 7th, 2025, in Stuttgart, Germany.The Applied Deep [...]

HackXplore - Dare to innovate

Goodspaces Karlsruhe Roonstraße 23a, Karlsruhe, Baden-Württemberg, Germany

Date: 16 to 18 May 2025 (Friday afternoon to Sunday afternoon) Location: Good Spaces, Steamwork in Karlsruhe In May, the time has come: In cooperation with MESH and START Stuttgart, [...]

Founders' barbecue meets 200 years of KIT

Crown square Kaiserstraße 93, Karlsruhe, Germany

DATE: 22.05.2025 TIME: 19:00 - 22:00 LOCATION: Kronenplatz | Karlsruhe The legendary founders' barbecue of the KIT-Gründerschmiede is back! The first edition 2025 will take place on 22 May as part of the TIL:Festival on [...]

Heilbronn Slush‘D

Theresienstraße 7 Theresienstraße 7, Heilbronn, Germany

Datum & Uhrzeit: 23.10.2025 von 13:00 – 23:30 ORT: Theresienstraße 7, 74072 Heilbronn Das Heilbronn Slush’D Startup-Festival ist das ultimative Event für die europäische Tech- und Startup-Szene. Jedes Jahr versammeln […]

International Entrepreneurship Education Summit (IEES)

Stuttgart Media University, Nobelstraße 10a, 70569 Stuttgart

Date: 28.11.2025 Place: Stuttgart Media University The International Entrepreneurship Education Summit (IEES) is an interactive conference that unites innovation and entrepreneurship professionals from universities, corporates, and startups from all over [...]

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