Startupangebote-Kategorien: Students

Talent Experience

Get to know exciting start-ups and companies as potential employers in one of our hackathons or during a company visit.

ASAP Academy

You can see a table with lots of work materials, such as post-its.
Entwickle als Student:in oder Alumni aus ganz Baden-Württemberg in nur wenigen Schritten deine Ideen zu einem validierten Geschäftsmodell weiter - in unserem landesweiten, digitalen Startup-Programm.

ASAP Final

You can see the presenters Basti & Chris at the ASAP BW Final 11.
Take part in the nationwide online pitch event with your newly developed startup idea or your early-stage startup, convince the jury and win one of the coveted prizes.

Fancy something new?

Then take a look around our job portal.

To the job portal