Archives: Startupangebote

Sales Masterclass

People having a conversation
Do you want to professionalise your sales process after you have closed your first customers? In our 8-week Sales Masterclass, experts will help you take your sales to the next level.


Picture with three people working.
In the Young Entrepreneurs Excellence Programme (YEEP), we accompany you directly into your entrepreneurial career alongside and after school.

Talent Experience

Get to know exciting start-ups and companies as potential employers in one of our hackathons or during a company visit.

ASAP Academy

You can see a table with lots of work materials, such as post-its.
Entwickle als Student:in oder Alumni aus ganz Baden-Württemberg in nur wenigen Schritten deine Ideen zu einem validierten Geschäftsmodell weiter - in unserem landesweiten, digitalen Startup-Programm.

Fundraising Masterclass

You can see a picture from the IRMK.
Werde in nur 8 Wochen richtig ready für deine nächste (Pre-)Seed Fundingrunde! Lass dich von VCs challengen und deinen Finanzplan von erfahrenen CFO's gegenchecken!

ASAP Final

You can see the presenters Basti & Chris at the ASAP BW Final 11.
Take part in the nationwide online pitch event with your newly developed startup idea or your early-stage startup, convince the jury and win one of the coveted prizes.

Fancy something new?

Then take a look around our job portal.

To the job portal