Archives: Startup teams


You can see the Renovo team.
Helping to accelerate the process of achieving the imposed sustainability goals. Shedding light on an under-recognised problem. All online and digital activity generates CO2e, and this is unavoidable. The idea is to raise awareness of how we can use our devices and the internet in a more sustainable and lasting way. This would be done through software that calculates the emissions we generate with our online/digital activities with the aim of reducing them. The software would include technologies to reduce these emissions, while also providing insights into how to incorporate greener digital practices.

Study finder

You can see the team from Studienfinder.
Wir haben die Vision, Wissenschaft in Deutschland zu revolutionieren. Wir entwickeln eine moderne, unkomplizierte und übersichtliche Web/App-basierte Vermittlungsplattform zwischen Studien-Anbietern und potenziellen Studien-Teilnehmern, mit KI gestützten Vermittlungen basierend auf Gesundheitsdaten, sowie intelligenten Personalisierungsoptionen und einem evidenzbasierten Gamification-Ansatz aus der Psychologie, um einen hohen Teilnahme- Anreiz zu schaffen. Neben der Vermittlung von Studien möchten wir mit STUDIENFINDER über Wissenschaft aufklären: Was ist ein mRNA- Impfstoff? oder Wie funktioniert ein EEG? So fördern wir Wissenschaft für alle - von überall - für Bildung mit Spaß.


You can see the Suparity team.
Our app has a passionate mission: to inspire and support people to revolutionise the world through donations and transform it into a better place. With our modern and user-friendly application, we want to unite all donation activities in one central location and take a holistic approach. From researching donation projects to processing payments, visualising the resulting impact and providing standardised donation receipts - we accompany our users at every stage of their altruistic journey to make a positive impact on the world.


You can see the Vaseboard team.
Vaseboard - The world's first shelving system with integrated vase for your special and safe interior greenery.


You can see the VersaBra team.
The customisable bra made from components for the perfect fit. Made from sustainable materials.


You can see the WePack team.
WePack ist Dein Online-Supermarkt mit Mehrwegsystem und Click & Collect Service auf Basis eines KI-gestützten Food-Management-Systems. Kompakte WePack-Stationen im Containerformat ermöglichen unverpacktes Einkaufen rund um die Uhr auf einer Grundfläche von 30 Quadratmetern, vergleichbar mit einem herkömmlichen Supermarkt von 1.000 Quadratmetern bei einem Vollsortiment und gleicher Kundenkapazität. Durch die Synergie von Online-Bestellung, lokaler Abholung, Mehrwegsystem, Ressourcenschonung, KI-gestütztem Food-Management, Transparenz, Flexibilität, digitalen Produktinformationen, Herkunftsverfolgung und inspirierenden Rezeptvorschlägen mit Click & Cook schafft WePack ein vielversprechendes Einkaufserlebnis der Zukunft.


You can see the Ventus team.
Ventus builds high-resolution models for weather forecasts, enabling modern road vehicles to be prepared for environmental conditions. We not only make reliable charging strategies possible without range anxiety, but also more comfortable and safer autonomous journeys in the future.


You can see the picture of Cellios.
Cellios revolutionises cable and connector assembly and provides the world's first automated complete solution for previously monotonous assembly tasks. Our vision is the economical assembly of medium and small quantities, as well as the support and relief of employees. Cellios is a modular and flexible complete solution consisting of software and hardware in the form of a robot cell. Thanks to the flexibility and modularity of the software and hardware, several variants can be produced on a single cell. The high degree of modularisation means that the Cellios assembly solution can grow with the customer's individual requirements and can be easily expanded with new process modules for additional products or to increase the level of automation.

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