Archives: Startup teams


phinc bietet eine autarke Informationstechnologie für intelligente Fabriken - einen KI Produktionsassistenten für Fertigungsprozesse.


You can see the prenode team.
Prenode enables the effective and efficient use of AI and brings decentralised machine learning to industrial machines. mlx from prenode is a software solution for local machine learning at the edge of heterogeneous customer systems via robust asynchronous communication.


rabbitai team
Zusammenführung realer synthetischer Welten für Computergrafik und KI. RabbitAI erstellt die reale Welt im Computer neu - für Visualisierungs- und KI-Anwendungen wie autonome Fahrzeuge.


The recyclability of packaging is difficult to assess. With the Recyda software tool, we help companies along the value chain to easily obtain the right information.


askUI automatisiert das Testen von User Interfaces bei KMUs mit einem webbasierten Geschäftsmodell. Ihr Testbutler Carl versteht Testfälle in natürlicher Sprache und adressiert UI-Elemente anhand visueller Eigenschaften auf menschliche Art und Weise. Dadurch wird eine Testautomatisierung erreicht, ohne auch nur eine Zeile Code zu schreiben.


auvisus team
Manual payment for meals in canteens leads to long waiting times and high costs. auvisus enables self-checkout through image processing with artificial intelligence.


emetric team
Design, rapid prototyping and small series production of customised lithium-ion battery systems. In addition to the high geometric flexibility, which makes it possible to optimally utilise the installation space, EMECTRIC's modular and lightweight battery kit is equipped with a comprehensive safety concept. By minimising investment costs, we want to enable an economical entry into electromobility.


mycabin team
MyCabin is a digital platform for finding accommodation close to nature in the Alpine region.

SAM Dimension

Applied drone technology and artificial intelligence for precise weed control to reduce the use of herbicides in agriculture.


Environmentally friendly reusable products made from industrial waste materials for direct contact with food.

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