Archives: Startup teams


EduBox ist das erste KI gestützte Tool, welches adaptive Lehre in die Schule bringt. SchülerInnen bearbeiten von Lehrkräften erstellte Assessments, EduBox ermittelt den Lernstand und gibt Feedback in Form von individuell passendem Lehrmaterial. Wir machen Lehre, bei der niemand zurückbleibt.

hey, belly!

"hey, belly! - Dein Schwangerschaftsbegleiter" ist eine monatliche Abo-Box, die schwangeren Heldinnen die stressige Zeit der Schwangerschaft verschönert und ihnen Sicherheit und Wertschätzung in einer Zeit voller Verunsicherung gibt. #celebratingpregnancy #empowerment #selfcare


Whether in the drugstore, clothing shop or online shop. Every shopping experience begins with the decision between the men's and women's departments. Non-binary people are therefore excluded from shopping in our society. We believe that everyone is equally part of our society and should feel comfortable in it, even when shopping for everyday products, in which they are not categorised by gender through the choice of colours or words. We offer a collection of such gender-neutral products from selected brands on our Marketplace.


*** Impact Award *** Sie digitalisieren die Einsatzleitung und Dokumentation von Freiwilligen Feuerwehren und anderen Blaulicht-Organisationen. Mit ihrer mobilen App bieten sie einen unkomplizierten Mehrwert für jeden Einsatz – auch ohne durchgehende Internetverbindung und komplexer IT-Infrastruktur.


At Clearmind, we help students to study in a relaxed, meaningful and successful way by strengthening their mental resilience through a personalised approach to mindfulness. As a first step, we offer hybrid courses as a basis for further digital and scalable solutions.


We are revolutionising calorie counting and making it fun and easy! No more guessing how many calories your food contains. No tedious weighing and entering ingredients. Simply take a photo of your food with our app and DishDetective will show you how many calories, carbohydrates, protein and fat your food contains within seconds.


Air taxis will be flying in the foreseeable future. However, a comprehensive (urban) infrastructure that is also integrated into the existing infrastructure is still lacking. We want to analyse and evaluate existing areas and convert them into take-off and landing points for air taxis.


We offer the opportunity to participate with the help of barrier-free & intergenerational video communication. is a platform controlled by artificial intelligence that enables users to create their own learning paths from uploaded teaching materials, which contain multimodal, AI-generated tasks and questions. In this way, reduces the learning and aggregation effort for pupils and students and makes a noticeable contribution to increased motivation and concentration through the integration of gamification elements.

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