Our ecosystem partner explained

Our Corporate Member are already thinking about tomorrow today

Our Corporate Member are family-run or medium-sized companies from all over Baden-Württemberg - the backbone of our economy.

Through targeted networking with entrepreneurial talent and innovative startups, we support them in overcoming current challenges, such as digitalisation and decarbonisation, in order to secure the future viability of Europe's most innovative region. We organise our collaboration through a wide range of services and collaboration formats.

advantages of our co-operation

Next Generation Mittelstand through cooperation

Startups and the existing Mittelstand form and shape the Next Generation Mittelstand. New products, services and business models can be validated and established together using open innovation approaches. Both sides can therefore benefit from working together.

Innovation power

The close dialogue between established companies and startups creates the opportunity for new business relationships. Innovative solutions can be jointly developed, refined and validated.


Specialist and innovation areas across industries face similar challenges in our innovation ecosystem. Best practices can be shared and new impetus provided through open dialogue.

Breaking new ground

The NXTGN ecosystem connects many highly qualified, digital and entrepreneurial talents. They get to know each other through various innovation formats - often the starting point for a shared future.

You can see various people listening to a lecture
Together we are developing the ecosystem

These Corporate Member are already part of our community

Thanks to a large number of collaborations in different sectors, we can drive forward a broad spectrum of innovations and thus actively support the Next Generation Mittelstand.

Constantly in close dialogue

What the people behind the logos say

Selina Lehmann
MAHLE New Ventures | #corporatemember
"This network is an absolute must for any company in ‘THE LÄND’ that wants to increase its innovative strength by collaborating with startups."
Nils Blume
EnBW Innovation | #corporatemember
"As an energy supplier from Baden-Württemberg with more than 10 years of innovation experience, supporting startups ‘im Ländle’ is very important to us. In NXTGN, we have a great partner that connects corporates with startups, strengthens and inspires the startup landscape in Baden-Württemberg."
Bettina Lichtner
AOK Baden-Württemberg | #corporatemember
"Access to knowledge, the latest technologies and trends strengthens our competitiveness and creates added value for our policyholders, but also supports us in sustainable developments through environmentally friendly and socially responsible solutions."
Andreas Brauchle
Horváth | #corporatemember
"Our region is full of potential. NXTGN is the catalyst to realise all that potential!"
Dominik Meyer
Novatec | #corporatemember
"Modern technologies, methods and business models are no longer topics from Silicon Valley, but have long since arrived in the centre of THE LÄND. Novatec sees itself as an enabler to support the ‘Next Generation Mittelstand' in these areas. A functioning network is crucial for this."
Wolfram Schnelle
Gemüsering | #corporatemember
"A good network is important because it's the only way to ‘think outside the box’. And because it can lead to projects that we wouldn't have thought of otherwise, but that still help us move forward."
Alexander Wehrle
VfB Stuttgart 1893 e.V. | #corporatemember
"Like VfB Stuttgart, NXTGN is focussing on young and wild people, striving for innovation and bringing together strong partners for a successful future in our economic region."
Marion Wagner
Würth Elektronik eiSos Group | #corporatemember
"The close dialogue with other corporate partners, the insights into science and, of course, the direct access to innovative startups with exciting developments are very valuable for us. We also always get to know new perspectives and learn from them."
Maresa Schleich
PwC | #corporatemember
"We are partners of NXTGN in order to discover new synergies between innovation managers. The access to the regional innovation ecosystem and the direct exchange with the founders and their developments give us new perspectives."
Contact us

Become part of our ecosystem

Contact Nico Bühler directly or use our general contact form. You can find information on the specific services on our offer page.

Nico Bühler

Nico Bühler

Head of Corporate Membership

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