With a new consortium, we will be able to offer NXTGN!

In the future, startup factories will be the central contact points for innovations in Germany. As NXTGN, we are striving to become one of these startup factories.

The lighthouse competition

Federal government promotes startup factories

The German government is expanding EXIST funding to include the "Startup Factories Lighthouse Competition" (dt. Leuchtturmwettbewerb Startup Factories). The aim is to establish supra-regional and internationally visible startup factories as lighthouses and thus increase the number and quality of knowledge-based spin-offs.

Several people can be seen chatting at the CXO DINNER 2023.
Our consortium

NXTGN applies as Startup Factory

As an association from Baden-Württemberg, we are applying to become a Startup Factory. This newly formed consortium bears the name NXTGN - derived from Next Generation. It emphasises the goal we are all working towards: a successful, innovative and closely connected next generation of companies and their contribution to a sustainable society.

consortium partner

A strong alliance from Baden-Württemberg

For the Startup Factory application, we have teamed up with strong partners from science and business.

The academia partners are represented by the KIT Gründerschmiedethe Institute for Entrepreneurship and Innovation Research and Traces of the University of Stuttgart, hei_INNOVATION the University of Heidelberg, Entrepreneurs Campus the University of Ulm and the Institute for Applied Research of the Hochschule der Medien.

Logo of the KIT
University of Stuttgart
Logo Heidelberg University
Logo HdM
Logo of NXTGN GmbH
Logo Campus Founders
ads-tec Industrial IT GmbH
Logo Festo
Logo Festo
Logo Vector
Logo Mätch VC

We want to make a major contribution to the transformation by 2030


tech spin-offs 


new jobs

1 billion

brokered venture capital


This is our path to the Startup Factory


On to the final project phase

By summer 2025, we will develop a convincing concept with which we will apply for the final, 5-year funding of the federal competition. The start of the project phase is dependent on the 2025 budget coming into force. ….


We are concept phase winners

At the EXIST Congress 2024 in Berlin, it was announced that the NXTGN network will receive funding for the concept phase.


Our application has been officially submitted

The Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) has successfully submitted our project outline.


Introducing our association

It's official: we are joining forces and will be submitting an application for the lighthouse competition.


Do you have questions about NXTGN?

Use our general contact form or get in touch with the Startup Factory project team.

Several people can be seen chatting at the CXO DINNER 2023.

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Then take a look at the job advertisements in our jobportal.

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