Our offers in the field of academia

Universities and colleges are the source of talent, technology and innovation. For this reason, NXTGN offers various programmes aimed at teachers and researchers.

NXTGN x Academia

Our offers for educators and researchers

International Entrepreneurship Education Summit

The IEES offers an interactive platform for the exchange of innovative ideas and established practices for teaching innovation and entrepreneurship in teaching and startup support.

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Expert Day

On Expert Day, you as a doctoral candidate or postdoc have the opportunity to make valuable connections with experts from different companies. The event lasts half a day and begins with a short introduction and thematic input. Afterwards, the focus is on subject-specific networking.

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Educators BW

As part of Educators BW, we offer and support various exchange and further training formats for eductors. The aim is to strengthen cross-university collaboration in the area of startup support.

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Do you have any questions or suggestions?

Contact June Nardiello directly or use our general contact form.

You can see Tanita, Head of Talents BW.

June Nardiello

Director Landesinitiative - Hochschule der Medien

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Then take a look at the job advertisements in our jobportal.

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