
Data speaks in favour of diversity instead of uniformity

A study by the Institute for Entrepreneurship and Innovation Research at the University of Stuttgart reveals a wide variety of career paths among successful founders in Baden-Württemberg that have led to the founding of start-ups. The study specifies: International experience, education and networks in industry or research are formative factors in the career paths of 924 founders examined (15 per cent women, 85 per cent men).

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Prof. Dr. Alexander Brem

The startup ecosystem and its effectiveness

A current study by the University of Stuttgart is investigating a new measurement method for recording the start-up ecosystem in Baden-Württemberg. The aim of the study is to create more clarity for the further development of the diverse start-up support programmes in the start-up ecosystem. Image: Prof Dr Alexander Brem (University of Stuttgart) at the opening of the Entrepreneurial Ecosystem Research Spring School in Stuttgart in May 2024, ©...

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Dr Raoul Haschke

INSPIRE BW Hubs: Unleashing new potential with regional startup networks

The six INSPIRE BW Hubs formed last year represent and unite the regional start-up ecosystems of the universities in Baden-Württemberg. Supported by the Ministry of Science, synergetic networks are being established to accelerate start-ups even more efficiently. Image: Dr Raoul Haschke (University of Heidelberg), head of the INSPIRE BW Hub platform, at the kick-off workshop, © NXTGN This is what's behind the INSPIRE BW Hubs ...

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Our startup highlights from the year 2024

In the following Startup Success Cases, we show how innovative ideas and entrepreneurial courage can lead to extraordinary results in various sectors. Each of these start-ups symbolises the potential of a new generation of founders that can have a lasting impact on our future. Aampere on course for growth: team size more than doubled Aampere is a marketplace for the pan-European trade in second-hand...

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ASAP Final #13

ASAP Final #13 - "InnoZell" becomes overall winner

On Wednesday, 12 February 2025, the ASAP Final (powered by NXTGN) took place for the thirteenth time. This year, the 31 best university-related teams from all over Baden-Württemberg pitched their ideas live in the Zoom stream and via YouTube. High-calibre prizes awaited the winners - the overall winner was the "InnoZell" team from the University of Konstanz. This is how the...

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Philippe Rütti

What are the 7 future fields of NXTGN, Philippe?

In an interview with Philippe Rütti, Head of Anchor Partnership at NXTGN, we delve into NXTGN's 7 future fields for the first time - a grid for the strategic development of our ecosystem. These future fields are the intersection of the most pressing social and economic challenges in Baden-Württemberg, Germany and Europe. In this interview, Philippe explains how these topics were defined...

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ASAP Final #12 - "Sound-insulating bolt" becomes overall winner

On Tuesday, 16 July 2024, the ASAP Final (powered by NXTGN) took place for the twelfth time. This year, the 26 best university-related teams from all over Baden-Württemberg pitched their ideas live in the Zoom stream and via YouTube. High-calibre prizes awaited the winners - the overall winner was "Schall-Dämm-Bolzen" from Biberach University of Applied Sciences. This is the Academic Seed...

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Several members of the NXTGN project team can be seen, with Robert Habeck on the right.

Federal Startup Factories competition: NXTGN in the next round

The federal Startup Factories competition aims to establish five to ten Startup Factories throughout Germany as central contact points for innovations. From Baden-Württemberg, a newly formed association consisting of leading institutions from science and industry is entering the next round of the competition. The association, which will be known as NXTGN in future, consists of the Karlsruhe Institute of...

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You can see Tim Gegg.

Changed rules of the game in venture capital

As a Founding Partner at Mätch VC, Dr Tim Gegg is at the heart of the action between social tensions, trends, crises, investors and startups. In the following, he gives a brief insight into the current challenges he perceives, changed framework conditions, new opportunities and their influence on the financing of start-ups. This text was written by Dr Tim Gegg...

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You can see the presenters Basti & Chris at the ASAP BW Final 11.

Tabularis.AI wins the ASAP BW Final #11

On 14 February 2024, the best university-related teams from all over Baden-Württemberg came together at the ASAP BW Final #11 to present their innovative ideas. Tabularis.AI from the University of Heidelberg and the University of Tübingen was named the overall winner. Picture: The moderators Christian Veit and Sebastian Demuth as well as June Nardiello (Director Gründermotor Landesinitiative - Hochschule der...

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You can see a picture with lots of colourful Lego bricks.

Developing new ideas with design thinking

What is design thinking? How do we develop creative ideas? How can we solve complex (customer) problems in our start-up in a targeted manner? Design thinking is an extremely valuable method for generating creative ideas, tackling complex problems and establishing a customer-centred approach. The method promotes collaboration, empathy and flexibility in teams and offers a proven method for...

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Adrian Thoma can be seen in September 2023 at the discussion event at the Baden-Württemberg State Representation in Berlin.

Discussion event: How can innovations get from university to the world faster?

The start-up engine at the discussion event at the Baden-Württemberg State Representation in Berlin. Science Minister Petra Olschowski: "Baden-Württemberg offers the best conditions for innovative start-ups and spin-offs. With new funding for start-up hubs, we are reaching a new level". The strongest universities in the south-west are joining forces with Gründermotor. The advancing climate change, the energy crisis and the changing labour market pose...

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Questions for the Stuttgart-based start-up PROSERVATION

Lisa, Sophia, Nils and Henning, four friends who share the conviction that business has a serving function within society, founded PROSERVATION at the end of 2022. Together, they are pursuing the mission of establishing ecologically and economically sound packaging solutions. The purpose of the company is the production and distribution of alternative, sustainable cushioning materials made from grain husks - plant residues...

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Helmut Schelling and Curt Michael Stoll can be seen.

New shareholders: Curt Michael Stoll and Dr Helmut Schelling strengthen the founding engine

With Curt Michael Stoll, Deputy Chairman of the Supervisory Board at FESTO, and Dr Helmut Schelling, founder of Vector Informatik, Gründermotor GmbH has two new shareholders from the Baden-Württemberg business community. However, they are not traditional investors with profit expectations. At Gründermotor, profits are not distributed, but must be reinvested in the company's purpose - as stated in our articles of association...

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You can see a smiling person on the IFBW.

5 good reasons why a community is so important for startups!

The power of community: We give you 5 good reasons why you as a founder should opt for a strong community. A strong and committed community forms the foundation for your startup. It is the foundation on which your success is built. By building a community of supporters and customers around your company, you create a strong and...

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You can see a picture of Daniel, Tim and Adrian - three of the seven founders of Mätch VC.

What exactly is "Mätch VC"?

Have you ever heard of Mätch VC? If so, you may have wondered what it is or how exactly Mätch VC is connected to the Gründermotor. We asked Adrian, Tim and Daniel, three of the seven founders of Mätch VC, about all this: Hi everyone, what exactly is Mätch VC and what...

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You can see a picture of the IFBW, where different stakeholder groups can come into contact with each other.

Why is it so important to bring the various stakeholder groups together?

The aim of the Gründermotor is to bring start-ups, science and SMEs together in order to drive innovation in Baden-Württemberg. We take a closer look: Why are these three stakeholder groups actually so important for the network? Hey Nico, why are the corporate partners such an important stakeholder group for the Gründermotor? We start by asking Nico Bühler, Head...

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Together in the right direction!

Only 1.4 % of the founding teams in BW are purely female-led, only 14 % are mixed, i.e. with at least one woman in the founding team. (Source: Female Founders Monitor & Startup Atlas BW 2021) These figures make it immediately clear that women are still extremely underrepresented in the start-up scene. Yet according to current studies...

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